Dozens of migrants breach border fence at Pacific Ocean

Migrants enter the U.S. through a gap in the border fence at Tijuana’s Friendship Park.
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A group of migrants who breached the U.S. border fence by the Pacific Ocean at Playas de Tijuana were detained Thursday by Border Patrol agents in Border Field State Park.
The group of about 35 people included women and children who said they were mostly from Honduras and came to Tijuana in a caravan.
Video shot from the Mexican side shows the group climbing through a broken piece of fencing and running down the beach.
Agents with the Border Patrol had the group sitting on the edge of a muddy trail while they collected their belongings into paper bags.
The detained migrants were instructed by Border Patrol agents not to speak with the media.
One member of the group, a man in his early 20’s, was detained separately and kept his eyes closed as he was loaded into a separate van.
The group was apprehended approximately 200 yards from the border fence on the U.S. side.
Access to the area is typically closed to vehicles during periods of wet weather. The area where they were stopped is about one mile from the parking lot at the entrance to Border Field State Park.
The migrants were loaded into Border Patrol vans, which drove away at about 6:15 p.m. Thursday.
Some areas of the trail were muddy and badly flooded after recent rains.
On Wednesday, photojournalist Tom Franklin captured video of two migrants slipping through the porous border fence in Playas, where a section of the lattice fencing had been pulled back. Franklin went back to the fence Thursday to see if it had been repaired.
“As we arrived we saw a large group of people — about 75 people — jammed up against the fence looking through, a group of about 20-30 had snuck through the fence and a number of them were running down the beach in the distance.”
After the last of the migrants slipped through — two women with one holding a child — a Border Patrol SUV drove up to the fence and blocked the gap.
In the video shot Wednesday, the migrants can be seen running down the coastline in Imperial Beach, while an agent chases after them.
One of the men seen in the video is fleeing while he is carrying a small child in his arms.
It remains unknown if the two men and child who slipped through the fence Wednesday were apprehended.
A spokesman for Border Patrol said Wednesday he was not immediately aware of either incident.
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